greetings chixtubbies

Hello Chixtubby! ready to meet the rest of the fandom? (click the button below the pass is : chixtubby )
Maryam Gueye
(aka kermit, maria, merm, grandmother hen, grandma hen, John Quiñones, sharquiqui, mary loo, mary, virgin mary, granny hen)
Name : maryam saaliha gueyePersonality: enfj-tArchetype: (femme) the diva, the ingenueZodiac sign: virgoChinese zodiac: monkey
Maryam Gueye
Q & A
Fave celebritainer: micheal jackson, britney spears, naomi campbell, and marilyn monroeFave artist: lavendertowne for sure (or hayley newsome) but my fave music artist (or producer i should say?) is TheFatRat, with moe shop, snail house and jean jacques perrey being close seconds, pamyu pamyu is my fave jpop artist, britney spears is my second fave Singer though right behind my fave music artist ever, the king of pop michael jackson, shinee is my fave kpop group with kara and wonder girls being close seconds.Fave music genre: basically pop, eurodance/beat, kpop, jpop, bubblegum pop, city pop, hyper pop, dubstep, glitch hop, picopop, 80’s songs, 2000’s pop rock, electro swing, disco, funk, electronic,eurodisco and etc like i said generally pop
Fave tv shows/movies:
Fave books: diary of a wimpy kid books and all raina telgemeier bookzFave piece of media/art of all time: my little pony friendship is magic ITS ALSO MY FAVE STORY OF ALL TIME TOO LIKE THIS SHOW HAS MADE ME WHO I AMFave website: my blog duhhhhFave color: PINK DUHUnpopular (but not too unpopular) opinion: PINEAPPLE PIZZA IS GOODWhat's your fandom name?: girlysapiens